Alvin Donel Harvey

Shí éí Alvin Harvey yinishyé. Tó baazhni'ázhi Nishłį́. Honágháahnii Bashishchiin. Biligana dashicheii. K'aahanaanii dashinalí.

I am Diné of the Two Who Came To the Water Clan and born for the One Walks Around Clan. My maternal grandfather is white, and my paternal grandfather is of the Towering House Clan. I am from the Navajo Nation, and currently reside in Cambridge, MA while completing my PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics.

My work and development as a Diné man centers relationality as a core structure of developing partnerships, systems, and good ways of being. The same care, compassion, and responsibility that we have for our Relatives must be the root of our relationship building with Space and each other. Through this responsibility and through seeking permission we can find our Beauty-way path of harmony, happiness, justice, inclusivity, and balance.

— Alvin