The world's first sponsored Citizen Astronaut Program

Since the beginning, astronaut missions have focused on science and exploration.
But one of their most profound discoveries is the cognitive shift they experience from looking back at Earth from space.
This is the Overview Effect, and it’s now open to everyone.

The perspective astronauts gained along the way has shaped society in extraordinary ways. Why not focus on how that perspective could help humanity improve our relationship with each other and our home planet?
Space for Humanity is sponsoring exceptional leaders to join the world’s first Citizen Astronaut Program. Applicants will be selected by a diverse committee to enter into our Leadership Training & Cohort program. Upon return, they will learn how to implement the Overview Perspective here on Earth.
We go to space so we can look back at Earth and truly know it.
This is your chance to go To Space, for Earth.
Citizen Astronaut Applications are closed for now.
Applications have closed as of November 15, 2022. Follow us on Instagram or Twitter to hear when they re-open.
Our team will review your application when it is submitted. If you’ve applied in the past—we welcome you to re-apply!
Many NASA astronauts apply 5, 10, or more times before they are selected.
The Journey of a Citizen Astronaut
Space for Humanity’s goal is to leverage the transformational power of the Overview Effect to enact positive change here on Earth.
Applicants will receive full sponsorship for the training, spaceflight ticket, travel, accommodations, and any other directly associated costs of the full CAP.
“CAP Pre-Flight Training
Physical, psychological, emotional and logistical support to prepare for spaceflight.
Citizen Astronauts go to space and get the opportunity to experience the Overview Effect, viewing Earth from Space.
“CAP Post Flight Training
Psychological and mental health supports to help Citizen Astronauts process the experience of space flight.
Integration focused training to embed the space flight and Overview Effect experience into future Leadership, Community Development and Impact plans.
“Post flight Leadership, Community Development, and Impact (LCDI) Plan
During CAP Post Flight Training, Citizen Astronauts will create their unique and personally meaningful LCDI plan with embedded impact trackers. Implementation of this plan is supported by monthly check-in meetings with our Citizen Astronaut Program Director.
“Citizen Astronaut Community
Cohort community cultivated for ongoing support, collaboration, and meaningful relationships.
“Five minutes of weightlessness and a beautiful view of the Earth can be transformational, but it’s not enough if we’re trying to create real impact on Earth. What leads up to and what follows the spaceflight will be what makes the real difference in how Space for Humanity’s participants change the world.”
– Nicole Stott, retired astronaut and S4H advisor
Citizen Astronaut Applications are closed for now!
Follow us on Instagram or join our mailing list to hear when they are next open.

Application & Selection Process
We are looking for change-makers from all walks of life: those who can share an Overview-informed worldview far and wide, creating a ripple effect. We’re after a global paradigm shift, and seeking partners who will make it happen.
How does the application process work?
We begin with an online application form that asks you about your passions, personal Mission, and examples of Leadership, Community Development, and Impact.
Demographic information is collected, but not involved in the selection process. Rather it is used to help create inclusive supports should you reach final stages of selection.
Demographic information is also collected to see where we need to create focused global outreach to boost application numbers from specific regions.
How does the selection process work?
We have three rounds of selection meant to bring forward amazing Citizen Astronaut applicants who demonstrate clear Leadership, Community Development, and Impact in their current lives.
We also look for a strong and clear desire to experience the Overview Effect during space travel and commit to our year long Citizen Astronaut Program.
The Application Requirements
Passion for humanity and a desire to positively impact the world.
Demonstration of Leadership, Community Development, and Impact.
Desire to experience the Overview Effect through space travel.
Understanding and alignment with the S4H MIssion.
Effective and compelling communicator.
Self motivated problem solver.
Empathetic, authentic to self, and open to new experiences.
Questions & Answers
Why do I have to speak English to apply?
English is the official language of aviation, so for now, all Space for Humanity applicants must speak English so that they can communicate with the flight and ground crew.
How can I increase my chances of being selected?
Your application should inspire and show us your passion! Be original, creative, and honest as to why you should be selected for this incredible opportunity. Take the application seriously, and let your personality shine!
Before you apply, think about how the mission might change you, and how you intend to bring these insights and experiences back to your community. Tell us your story: how will you create a lasting positive impact on society if we select you to go to space?
Who are you flying with? When?
As an organization, we are vehicle agnostic. With the speed at which advances in commercial space and human spaceflight are moving we will continue to expand our launch providers in lockstep to support our goal of truly democratizing space.
At this point, we have flown with Blue Origin, and intend to fly with Virgin Galactic, Space Perspective, and World View. We do not currently have any publicly scheduled flight dates.
Where do your funds come from?
As a not-for-profit organization, our funds come from generous donors, corporate sponsors, and grants.
Every level of donation is used to help us fund our Citizen Astronaut Program and support our community of dedicated teammates, volunteers, and interns that show up every day to help ensure an inclusive future in space for all of humanity.
Can S4H Volunteers apply to our Citizen Astronaut Program (CAP)?
We recognize that these very individuals are wanting to apply for our Citizen Astronaut Program. If people are passionate about our mission and want to contribute in the meantime, we would be honored to have you!
Our policy is that no current volunteers, Inclusion Council, or Board of Advisors may apply and be chosen for the Citizen Astronaut Program.
However, previous volunteers, Inclusion Council, and Board of Advisors can apply to our CAP program.

The Overview Perspective
“Circling the Earth in my orbital spaceship I marveled at the beauty of our planet. People of the world, let us safeguard and enhance this beauty, not destroy it!”
Yuri Gagarin
First Human in Space
Astronauts viewing the Earth from space often experience the profound beauty, fragility, and interconnectedness of our home planet. After having this experience, astronauts often come back down with a completely new perspective.
Psychologists call this shift in worldview, The Overview Effect.
These astronauts gain an understanding of the miraculousness of life, and the uniqueness of our existence. They recognize that, as humans, our commonalities far outweigh our differences.
This awe-inspiring perspective reframes our understanding of the Cosmos, and our relationship with our home planet and each other.
The Overview Perspective plays a vital role in helping us cultivate a future of sustainable peace and prosperity for all of humanity.