Calling All Teachers - Help Select the Crew for Humanity-1

Space For Humanity is Calling All Teachers to Help Select Our Citizen Astronaut Crew for Humanity-1 Mission

We are thrilled to share that we are making great progress in our effort to select the citizen astronaut crew for our Humanity-1 mission! We have now finalized the selection process and are beginning to execute the first pre-selection phase of the review process.

With more than 7,000 applications submitted, we are calling on the teaching community to help support our effort. Space For Humanity is looking for teachers to apply to our two day, Online Scoring Summit this June 11-12 to help us review applications and score them against our rubrics to narrow down applicants for the next phase of the review process.

Teachers who are selected will be required to attend two short online Master Classes, which will go over our rubrics and the specifics of the Scoring Summit and will receive a stipend of $100-$500 and will be entered into a contest to attend a Space For Humanity Launch Party or other event as well as a Zoom visit with an astronaut for their class or department. 

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Teachers K-12 & University Professors may apply from around the world.

  • Must have a reference from a principal or Department Head.

  • K-12 teachers must have a valid teaching license in their home country.

  • University Professors are required to have two years of teaching experience.

Come and help us select our Citizen Astronaut Crew!


Introducing S4H's First Citizen Astronaut: Katya Echazarreta


Space for Humanity’s Founder, Dylan Taylor, shares more about his transformative trip to space aboard NS-19