TEDx Feels the Overview Effect!
“It turns out that when astronauts go to space and look back down at our planet, and see it as a floating, interconnected, fragile ball of life in this infinite universe, it causes a transformation in their mind, a cognitive shift called, THE OVERVIEW EFFECT.”
Space for Humanity Executive Director, Rachel Lyons spoke to a captivated audience at TEDx St George.
She spoke about the complex, interwoven web of challenges that face our planet - our humanity. How those who have peered back upon the Earth from without, find themselves compelled to bring a new perspective to those challenges.
Finally, the audience, whether space enthusiasts or not, we’re encouraged to challenge their current perspective, and ask the question for themselves, "what else can you learn from the overview effect"?
This is an integral question for Space for Humanity. One we challenge ourselves with every day.
We feel privileged that we got to share it with such an accepting audience.
That includes you. Check it out below.