The Humanity-1 Selection Process

Sponsored Mission

Applications Summary

Space for Humanity is sponsoring a group of exceptional leaders to join the world’s first Citizen Astronaut Program. Applicants will be selected by a diverse committee to enter into our Leadership Training & Cohort program. Upon return, they will learn how to implement the Overview Perspective here on Earth.

We go to space so we can look back at Earth and truly know it. 

This is your chance to go To Space, for Earth.

Humanity-1 crew members will receive full sponsorship for the training, spaceflight ticket, travel, accommodations, and any other directly associated costs of the full CAP.     
For more details, visit our Citizen Astronaut Program page.

Application Statistics

We received more than 7,000 applications over the course of two rounds over two years, each yielding about 3,500 submissions. The first round was already narrowed down to 500 top applicants.

We closed the second round on February 15th, 2022 and will narrow the second round down to the top 500 qualifiers. The remaining top 1,000 applicants will be pooled together.

We will not select our first crew until we announce our inaugural flight providers. We are currently in conversation with multiple providers and look forward to sharing the progress when it is ready!

Humanity Missions Selection Committee

It is imperative that a global team from diverse backgrounds evaluate the applications to ensure inclusivity. 

The Citizen Astronaut Program selection process is orchestrated by the Space for Humanity team and the CAP Committee, comprised of the S4H Inclusion Council, Board of Advisors, research team, inclusion organization partners, representatives from training and flight partners.


This is the space we will be updating as the program evolves. Over the coming months, there will be updates on flight partners, crew selection and a multitude of other details.

This blog post will be updated as we go, so stay tuned for more details!

Applications for Humanity-1 closed on February 15, 2022.

We are so excited to select, train, fly and support our future cohorts in expanding their positive impact. 

There are a lot of “firsts” represented here, so we are grateful for your patience as we explore and figure out the details amidst a sea of ever changing variables. Thank you!


February 25, 2022

Humanity Missions Selection Committee
We are amazed by our applicants, their passions, and worldview! In order to ensure the integrity of our selection process, we are currently working with our HR and Recruitment lead, research partners, and advisors to form our official selection committee and map out the full process. 

Flight Provider
Because we are still in conversation with the flight providers, we do not yet know the number of crew members for Humanity-1. We intend to fly a full mission, which could be 6-8 people depending on the provider. As soon as we know, we will choose the number of crew members needed, and also form a backup crew. All applicants will be notified during this process, both those selected and those that did not qualify for the next round. 

We are now entering into the selection process which involves a multitude of contributors and committee checkpoints. We expect to have the final results for the Humanity-1 crew and backup team by Summer 2022. We will send email and social media updates as we get closer to that point. 

We will notify the crew candidates via email as soon as we have the results. We will also email updates between now and then. Every applicant will be notified via email, letting them know if they were selected or not, including applicants that were not selected.

July 05, 2022

On June 4th, 2022, Space for Humanity sent their first Citizen Astronaut to Space, aboard Blue Origin’s NS-21! As Katya Echazarreta passed the Kármán line, she became the first S4H ambassador, beginning the next phase of our mission of bringing the overview effect to our world.

And our Citizen Astronaut-1 (CA-1) is only just the beginning of our collective journey, to space, for Earth!

But how does our selection process work? We’re glad you asked. ;)


Our selection process needed to be an unbiased process for our applicants. To achieve this we created a custom rubric to look at:

  1. Their alignment to the S4H mission and ability to be a heartfelt, impactful ambassador. 

  2. Their leadership, community development and current impact, and how that would gather momentum by becoming our CA-1.

The grading process was done by internal and external S4H community members, selected because of their background in unbias grading processes. 


The four finalists were then interviewed by internal and external S4H members.

Through this process the finalists’ unique history, passion for community outreach, and embodiment of our mission shone through. 


We are continuing to review previous applicants to be selected for upcoming 2022 missions, to be announced. 


We will reopen our applications in 2023, so stay tuned to our social media channels and future blog posts. 

Sign up for our mailing list to be the first to be in the know!

Stay tuned for more updates! 

Space for Humanity’s Founder, Dylan Taylor, shares more about his transformative trip to space aboard NS-19


The Virgin Galactic winner is here!