From the desk of Mission Control.
News, updates and essays about the Overview Effect and the future of humanity.
VG Galactic 02 Launches this Week with CAP-Trained Astronaut
My story is one of manifestation. I want to inspire others to go beyond fear, to be adventurous, and to also dream.
From Sara: To Space, for Us.
Tomorrow Sara Sabry becomes our second Citizen Astronaut to go to Space. When she does, she adds to a growing trend of new explorers. But these trailblazers aren’t exploring some dark, unknown border on a map. They explore what it is to be human. What it means to be connected. What it feels like to bring hope to a new generation of explorers whose journeys will permeate all peoples of this place we all call home. She also continues the trend started by our first citizen astronaut, Katya Echazarreta. To write a letter to those that come next. So, to you, the next citizen astronauts. Here’s Sara in her own words.
From Katya: My Journey To Now
What I want you to know is that you belong here too. You deserve this too. You can make it too. I believe that this new era is about opening new doors and holding them open for those who will come after us.