From Sara: To Space, for Us.
Tomorrow Sara Sabry becomes our second Citizen Astronaut to go to Space. When she does, she adds to a growing trend of new explorers. But these trailblazers aren’t exploring some dark, unknown border on a map.
They explore what it is to be human.
What it means to be connected.
What it feels like to bring hope to a new generation of explorers whose journeys will permeate all peoples of this place we all call home.
She also continues the trend started by our first citizen astronaut, Katya Echazarreta. To write a letter to those that come next.
So, to you, the next citizen astronauts. Here’s Sara in her own words.
I have the honor to become the first person in my country to see Earth from space, but I will not be the last. This is just the beginning of a new era, where people in Egypt, Africa, and the Arab world grow up seeing themselves and knowing that this is possible for them too.
Sara Sabry - Citizen Astronaut-2
Do you see yourself?
I hope that you can.
Or at least start to see yourself represented in space. We grew up in the same places. We walked the same streets. We were often told the same remarks. To not dream too big. Because no matter the dream, the probability of achieving it was still out of reach.
Centuries ago, men drew lines on maps that separated countries, creating a great disparity in opportunity and accessibility for success in the world.
As a biomedical and mechanical engineer, I am trained to solve problems. To think critically, and analyze what is in front of me.
Where I grew up, my surroundings, the journey I have taken, and the people I have met along the way have molded me into who I am today. These factors play a huge role in how I work, and how I think about a problem.
I bring my own perspective to whatever I do.
There was no straight line from where I was to where I wanted to go. So, I started carving my own path. Becoming a Yoga teacher helped me connect what was only in my dreams.
I started to visualize myself in space.
I started manifesting it.
I applied to the Citizen Astronaut Program because I knew Space for Humanity’s mission of democratizing space for all, meant I had a chance to go.
There are so many problems in the world that need to be addressed, but if we keep employing only people from one side of the world, we limit the type of results that can be achieved.
I knew how powerful it would be to start seeing more people represented in space.
I have been working so hard my entire life to have an impact on the world, and to leave a mark. Along the way, I came to know that the real importance and impact that this field has on the world is much bigger than just me.
Walking on the launchpad, in my blue suit, gazing at the capsule in front of me - I am not going there alone. I am doing this to start pushing this change, to show the world that we need more people with different training, from different backgrounds, and who have the wisdom of their unique journey to create real change in our world.
It is all of us working together that will solve the problems of our world.
Don’t we need to leave it a better place for future generations?
I have the honor to become the first person in my country to see Earth from space, but I will not be the last. This is just the beginning of a new era, where people in Egypt, Africa, and the Arab world grow up seeing themselves and knowing that this is possible for them too.
We are doing this together.
To space,
for Earth.
Join us to watch and celebrate Sara’s launch with hosts Katya Echazarreta and Maikala Harris. Jump in the chat with your questions for our special guests.
There will also be an announcement no aspiring citizen astronaut should miss!
Here are some highlights from our last launch party!
Get involved with S4H and Sara’s journey to Space on our social media channels!