What’s the Difference: Citizen Astronaut vs. CAP Graduate vs. CA Ambassador

S4H Expands Ways to Collaborate

In our efforts to broaden the support Space for Humanity provides to astronauts, we’ve invited our Director of Programs, Aisha Said, to elucidate the distinct roles astronauts play within our organization, and clarify the unique qualities and contributions of a S4H Citizen Astronaut, a CAP Graduate, and a CA Ambassador.

I’m so excited that Space for Humanity (S4H) has begun to expand not only ways that citizens going to space can collaborate with us, but also the impact that we will have on future space flyers.

These are the three ways you can collaborate with us. 

1. Citizen Astronaut Program (CAP) Graduate 

Future space flyers can take our Citizen Astronaut Program to prepare for their flight and the transformative experience of the Overview Effect. CAP graduates can also choose to opt-in to a post-flight, year-long impact project based on leadership, community development, and lasting impact. 

Example of a CAP Graduate: Keisha Schahaff

2. Citizen Astronaut Ambassador 

Citizen Astronaut Ambassadors are making their way to space independently of S4H, however, they love our mission and want to spread it to the world. We collaborate with future ambassadors on ways they can use their unique passions and expertise to make more people aware of the work we do. They can also choose to take our Citizen Astronaut program and become a CAP graduate.

Example of a CA Ambassador: Amanda Nguyen

3. Space for Humanity Citizen Astronaut 

S4H Citizen Astronauts like Katya Echazarreta and Sara Sabry are chosen through our inclusive selection process and are chosen for their dedication to creating lasting impact in the world. The main difference between a S4H CA and Citizen Astronaut Ambassador is that S4H CA’s are going to space through the orchestration of the S4H team. 

S4H CA’s also take our CAP program to prepare for flight and become CAP Graduates. They also do a year-long post-flight impact project in which we meet monthly to support and track impact markers to help encourage and ensure CA’s become impactful leaders in their communities.

Example of a CA: Katya Echazarreta

If you are a citizen going to space independently and want to prepare for your journey, you might want to become a CAP Graduate. If you want your space flight to help boost the S4H Mission and help us to further democratize access to space, you might want to consider becoming a S4H Ambassador. 

If you’re passionate about changing the world and want to go to space you might want to sign up to become a S4H Citizen Astronaut. The great part is that anyone from anywhere in the world can apply! Sign up to our newsletter to see when applications open again and in the meantime check out our program page to learn more. 

Director of Programs

Aisha Said

Watch Aisha tell us in her own words about the three ways we are supporting astronauts:

Click the button to learn more about Space for Humanity's Citizen Astronaut Program.



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