
Join the Movement


There are many ways to support the work we’re doing. From donations, to volunteerships, to expertise, and publicity, we value them all.

Give the gift of

Your time


Contribute your wisdom, platform, expertise, or passion.

Become an

Intern or Volunteer

Interested in volunteering, interning, or otherwise supporting the Space for Humanity team? We’d love to hear from you!

Accepting applications

Civilian Medical Information for Space Travel (C-MIST) Researcher

The Civilian Medical Information for Space Travel (C-MIST) project is a joint venture between Space for Humanity (S4H) and the International Centre for Astronautical Development (ICAD). Our goal is to perform a comprehensive patient-centred review of common medical conditions and the risks associated with suborbital flight and short duration exposure to microgravity.

Become a

Brand Partner

We love collaborating with aligned brand partners! If you represent a brand and would like to discuss partnership, let’s talk!